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Ways We Spread Awareness

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Israel's Messenger

Israel’s Messenger is a quarterly magazine, that we publish, featuring Bible-based articles on Israel, Jewish Evangelism, and End-Time Prophecy.

israel tours

Join us on one of our exciting Journey to Jerusalem Israel Tours! Our exceptional tours are priced very competitively,  and will greatly impact in your spiritual life! is an internet radio station that broadcasts the gospel  in a Jewish perspective 24/7! This is a great resource in sharing Jesus with a Jewish person!


We have produced dozens of videos centered around Jesus being the Messiah of Israel, and Bible prophecy. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel!

weekly bible study

Streaming Fridays at around 7:15 pm Eastern, our weekly Bible study focuses on a verse-by-verse exposition of the Scriptures.  Our Live Bible Study will appear here. Hover over the bottom of the video, and click on the Facebook logo to view the video on Facebook. It is either live, or it is the most recent recording.



You can now listen, subscribe to, and even download our audio programs from our new podcast channel!

 The Jewish Awareness podcast channel will eventually host a number of “episodes” educating listeners about the Jewish roots of our faith, the need for Jewish Evangelism, and Jewish context in which the entire Bible was written.

Blog & Articles

Most of what you will see here are digital articles that were originally published in our quarterly magazine, Israel’s Messenger. There are also additional posts relating to theology, current events, and sharing your faith with a Jewish person.

You can cycle through these posts in the corresponding slider. The most recent post is listed first.

Jesus the Incarnate Word Fulfills The Feast of Pentecost

Shavuot known in the New Testament as Pentecost is June 11,12, 2024. What is the Biblical origin in the Hebrew scriptures and the spiritual significance of the last recorded one in the New Testament? And why should we care?  Because Jesus came “in the fulness of time,...

Counting down the Days/ Lag B’Omer to Shavuot Pentecost

45 killed by stampede.         On  April 30, 2021 The BBC reported that tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews attended an annual all-night religious festival known in Israel as  Lag B'Omer. Police sources told Haaretz newspaper, "It happened in a split second; people...

Frustration at the Fickle Crowd 

Frustration at the Fickle Crowd  Many have wondered how the same crowd proclaimed Jesus Messiah King on Palm Sunday and days later called for Him to be crucified. When we put preconceptions aside, answers are always available through an examination of the Jewish...

When the Fig Tree Withers Away

When The Fig tree Withers Away  “Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered.  And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward forever. And...

The Beginning of Sorrows

   The Beginning of Sorrows        The horrific news on October 7, 2023, of the Hamas terrorist breach of the Gaza border into southern Israel, and the inconceivable slaughter of over 1200 Israeli citizens and the capture of 240 hostages smells of the fiery breath of...

How to Pray for Israel

Praying for Israel Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:  They shall prosper that love thee.  Psalm 122:6 A Step by Step Guide   Thank God for the ways He has preserved and blessed Israel throughout history.   Pray for the believers in Israel to be bold witnesses of the...

Messianic Witness – Winter 23

To get a Blessing We must Be a Blessing Do you want to receive the Abrahamic blessing? “I will bless THEM that bless thee and curse HIM that curseth thee” (Genesis12:1-3). More often than not this is misquoted that God will “bless them … or “curse them,” but the text...

How to Stand with Israel

All our hearts are broken for the Israelis who are in shock and grief at the murder of their loved ones. Our prayers are for God’s miraculous intervention through the IDF troops who are seeking to rid Gaza of Hamas, while they find and free the hostages. Our prayers...

From the Director’s Desk – Memorial Issue

Jeremiah lamented, “Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!” This issue is dedicated to the blessed memory of the more than 1200 Israeli’s who were slaughtered by Hamas...


Mark Robinson The purpose of the priesthood was to represent sinful people before a holy God. As was shown in the article, PRIEST: The Peoples Representative before God, this responsibility belonged to the Levites. The Levites themselves, though, also needed...

KING: God’s Appointed Ruler

by Ken Overby Moses’ final instructions to guide Israel into nationhood before they entered the promised land foresaw their desire for a king. God gave them divine prerequisites for a king in addition to the tribal origin from Judah in Genesis 49:10. First, God must...

PRIEST: The People’s Representatives Before God

by Rusty Guin Throughout the Bible priests are mentioned over 780 times. The first priest mentioned was Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18, the priest of the most high God, El Elyon in Hebrew. The Levitical priesthood was established by God in the nation of Israel. There...

PROPHET: God’s Spokesman to the People

Rev. Mark Robinson Long before the first priest (from the tribe of Levi) or king (from the tribe of Judah) arrived on the scene in ancient Israel, prophets graced the pages of biblical history. Unlike the priest and the king, the prophet, though certainly called by...

Zephaniah 1

by Rev. Mark Robinson The first chapter of Zephaniah brings us front and center with the theme of this book - the "Day of the LORD." There are two parts to the "Day of the LORD." One of unparalleled wrath and judgment from God followed by great blessings from God. The...

Introduction to Zephaniah

by Rev. Mark Robinson Zephaniah, which means "Yahweh hides," is the writer of this book addressed to the people of Judah and covers the period of 640-609 B.C. Most of the writing was done before the fall of Ninevah in 612 B.C. (see 2:13) and likely after the cleansing...


By Ken Symes Pharisees and Sadducees are two of the major groups found in the New Testament and are nowhere in the Old Testament. Who are these groups? When did they come into the world of Judaism? What did they believe? As one reads the Bible it is important to...

Communion – In light of Jewish History and Culture

Ken Overby In order to understand how the first century church observed Communion, it is necessary to grasp a history of the Jewishness of the early church. The followers of Yeshua, referred to as those of the “Way,”1 never thought of themselves as anything other than...

Christian Baptism in the light of the Jewish Mikveh

by Rev. Mark Robinson Baptism in the Christian world is a religious ritual that has, in many instances, taken on an importance far beyond its simple origins. There are Christian denominations, Catholicism and Church of Christ among others, that embrace the...


By Ken Symes There are five branches of Judaism.  Reconstructionist Judaism is secular and denies the existence of a personal God and a Divine revelation. Thus, they do not accept the Bible in any form only stressing the Jewish culture with no real religious emphasis....

Circumcision of the Heart not the Flesh: The Highest Priority 

By Rev. Mark Robinson Circumcision is practiced almost universally among Jewish people. The command is to circumcise all males on their 8th day, Genesis 17:9-13, as a sign of their covenantal relationship with God. Rabbi Eugene Korn understands the most important...

Bar Mitzvah and the Age of Accountability

By Ken Overby Does Scripture address what is referred to as “the age of accountability”? How can a parent discern when a child reaches that age? Why do Rabbis set 13, bar mitzvah age, as the age when a child becomes a responsible adult under the Mosaic covenant? When...

Is Jesus Really God: A Rebuttal to Islamic Teaching

by Mark Robinson My literature ministry at San Diego State University brings me into contact with not only Jewish students but also students from many diverse backgrounds. Usually there are up to a dozen or so literature tables offering different things to the...

Can the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 save America? 2 Chronicles 7:14 in context

by Rev. Mark Robinson |       With the victory of Joe Biden as President and the Democrat control of both houses of Congress, the U.S.A. faces a bleak future. Socialism/Marxism is winning battles, and it most likely won’t be long before they win the war, introducing a...

The Late, Great United States of America

by Mark Robinson | In 1814, John McDonald, Pastor of Chapel Street Presbyterian Church in Albany, New York preached a sermon on America in Prophecy. Rev. McDonald’s sermon might be the earliest attempt at identifying the United States in prophecy. Pastor McDonald...

Anti-Semitism and the Democratic Party

by Ken Overby | After my sermon on blessing the Jewish descendants of Israel, a well-meaning Christian approached me in the aisle, explaining, that she was for the Jewish people, but not for the "Zionists." I explained to her that to be against Zionism and Zionists,...

Anti-Semitism and Evangelicalism

by Mark Robinson | On July 7, 2015 I received letter from a pastor in northern California. I have preached at this church many times and the pastor has a love for Israel and the Jewish people, for many years hosting an “Honor Israel” conference. He was concerned about...

Anti-Semitism and the BLM Movement

by Dan Bergman | Black lives DO matter! I want to begin this article with that statement. I am NOT arguing that premise. I also want to make a vital clarification that is muddled by the media and collective mentality of those who see this movement as synonymous with...

Anti-Semitism and Bible Prophecy

by Mark Robinson | Perhaps the seminal passage in regards to anti-Semitism and Bible prophecy is found in the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation. The chapter deals with Israel and the Jewish people at the mid-point of the seven year Tribulation period. The...

How were people saved in the Old Testament?

By Dan Bergman “They took him! They took your nephew!” He was out of breath, running and panting with fear in his eyes. I can imagine in my mind’s eye how this news was received to the son of Terah. We are not told that he panicked, wept, or even flinched. We read...

OBJECTION: “How Can God Have a Son?”

Response by Ken Overby | This objection is couched in the context of biblical monotheism (Deuteronomy 6:4) in diametric opposition to pantheistic mythology in which “gods” sire offspring with mortal women. The assumption is that since Christians are Gentiles and...

OBJECTION: “Why Don’t the Rabbis Believe in Jesus?

Response by Shaul Hadar | It is not uncommon for Jewish people to ultimately ask why the rabbis don’t accept Jesus as Messiah, if, in fact, He is the Messiah. There are two major reasons the rabbis give for not believing that Jesus is the Messiah.   1. THEY CLAIM...

OBJECTION: “The New Testament is Full of Contradictions!”

Response By Dan Bergman| The claim that the New Testament has contradictions and errors is done in an attempt to discredit and disqualify Jesus’ life and teachings from being considered valid. The anti-missionary organization Jews for Judaism has produced a YouTube...

OBJECTION: “You Can’t be Jewish and Christian!”

Response by Mark Robinson | “NO, YOU CAN’T!!!” “No, you can’t what?” “You know what I’m talking about, the question you’re asking on your sign. ‘Can you be Jewish and Christian?’ You can’t be both!” I feared the gentleman might have a stroke. His face was red, his...

OBJECTION: “If Jesus is the Messiah, why is there no world peace?”

Response by Dan Bergman | According to the rabbi who taught me Hebrew, this was the ultimate show-stopping objection that he just couldn’t get past. Many others share that sentiment. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes, “Do we live in a world where peace reigns, war is a...

OBJECTION: “Christians Believe in Three Gods!”

 Response by Dan Bergman | Nothing could be farther from the truth! 1. We believe in ONE God. We worship the one true and living God! This God is the one and only Messiah! He is the Creator! His Spirit came upon His people to lead them and empower them to do His will....

OBJECTION: “Isaiah 7:14 is not a Virgin Birth!”

Response by Ken Symes | Today, the Jewish rabbis, along with many Christian leaders, do not believe that Isaiah 7:14 teaches that the Messiah was to be “virgin” born. “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin [almah] shall conceive, and bear...

OBJECTION: “The Servant of Isaiah 53 is not the Messiah!”

Response by Mark Robinson | In searching the web about articles on Isiah 53, I came across this comment in the comments section of an article: Can you show any verse where Isaiah says Jesus/Yeshua is the Servant. Isaiah specifically says; “You are My servant, O...

The Anti-Missionary Movement

by Mark Robinson | BACKGROUND For centuries, there have been arguments against the belief that Jesus is the Messiah. Certain individuals in the Jewish community have not only entered into debates over this issue but pamphlets and books have been written trying to...

The Vision of Daniel 9

By Mark Robinson | Daniel’s 70 “weeks” prophecy is unsurpassed in majesty, unparalleled in detail, and unrivaled in the prophets. It takes us from the depths of the Babylonian captivity to the grandeur of the Messianic kingdom, providing us with a road map of future...

Hebrews Introduction

This is the first episode of our Study in the book of Hebrews. In Hebrews chapter 1 we are introduced to the Son whom God has spoken through in the last days. This one is the Messiah and many prophecies are given in the first chapter to establish that the Son is the...

The Vision of Daniel 7

 By Dan Bergman | The handwriting was not yet on the wall. Daniel had not yet seen the inside of that lion’s den. It was 553 B.C. – the first year of Belshazzar’s reign in Babylon. Although recorded later in our Bibles, the events of Daniel 7 actually take place...

The Vision of Daniel 2

By Ken Symes | Daniel is a book of prophecy that in the Jewish order of the Bible, the Tenach, is grouped with the history books and not the prophetic books. If we are to understand it, as well as its significance today, two questions must be asked and answered. The...

The New Covenant and the Church

by Dan Bergman | “It’s a Jewish thing.” This was printed on Frank’s shirt below a Star of David with a cross in the center. Frank garnered lots of attention (both good and bad) from his Jewish neighbors, which was his intent. He was trying to communicate a radical...

The New Covenant and Israel

by Ken Symes | The primary passage promising the New Covenant is Jeremiah 31:31-34. 31. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32. Not according to the covenant that I made with...

The Inerrancy of the Bible

By Ken Overby |  Since God is the highest authority, then the Word of God is its own authority. "For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself." 1 David penned, "thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." 2 Some...

Old Testament & New Testament: What Should We Understand about the Bible?

By Mark Robinson |  As the preacher approached the pulpit, he placed his Bible on the platform, looked at the congregants in front of him, and said, “Open your Bibles to the Old Testament.” The next Sunday might be the same procedure with the difference being, “Open...


By Dan Bergman It had been a long time since God Himself breathed into his nostrils - 935 years to be exact. He had gotten old, weak, and sickly. The depravity of his own nature had taken a great toll, and was about to deal its final blow. He had seen the effects of...


By Ken Overby Salvation’s ongoing work of sanctification is the subject of chapter six through chapter eight verse sixteen of Romans. As believers in Jesus, we understand that salvation is “not of works.”1 Salvation is not only to be appreciated in the past or to be...


By Ken SymesThe Bible teaches that salvation for the believer is past, present and future. In the Bible, salvation past is embodied in the doctrine of justification. Of the 29 uses of this term and its derivatives in Paul’s writings, 25 are used in two of his...


Rev. Dan Bergman   Although the biblical period before the Jewish people returned from Babylonian captivity is linked with “modern Orthodox Judaism,” it differs in many ways from Abraham’s worship of the Creator, Moses’ giving of the Law, and David’s dynamic...


Rev. Ken Overby “To be conservative means to ‘conserve’ the Jewish traditions in the Torah and Talmud.” This was the comment of a Conservative rabbi when I asked him to explain his branch of Judaism to me. Only 18% of American Jews follow Conservative Judaism,...


Rev. Mark Robinson Up until the 19th century there was only one form of Judaism - Orthodox Judaism. Certainly there were Jewish people who were atheists and those who claimed to be agnostics. But if one wanted to practice the religion of Judaism it came in only one...


Rev. Ken Symes“The term ‘the fullness of the Gentiles’ refers to the present age in which Gentiles predominate  in the church and far exceed Israel in present spiritual blessing... the fullness of the Gentiles will be completed when God’s present task of winning Jew...


Rev. Dan Bergman The disciples likely had a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomachs. The Messiah had just prophesied of the Temple’s complete and utter destruction. Things were becoming terribly discouraging. Jesus had already begun to tell them of His coming...


Rev. Mark Robinson “History is His Story” has been an oft-used phrase. For the Bible believing Christian with almost any knowledge of the Bible, there is an instantaneous acknowledgement of this truth. For the humanist, and this would include the secular humanist as...


Rev. Dan Bergman          The freshly plucked hyssop branch became heavy, as it soaked up the thick blood from the clay basin. Smelling the pungent copper-like stench of so much blood was difficult to avoid. The air was filled...


by Mark Robinson “Our Rabbis taught: During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple…the lot [“For the Lord”] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-coloured strap become white; nor did the western-most light shine; and the doors of...


Rev. Dan Bergman  "And Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.”  Exodus 25:8-9      For almost 500 years,...


by Rev. Mark Robinson      With palpable joy, the bridegroom recited the betrothal vow to his prospective bride. “Behold you are consecrated unto me with this ring according to the law of Moses and Israel.” Accompanying this statement would be two...


By Mark Robinson It has become almost universal in agreement that Jesus was born on December 25th. Children sing about this in their church Christmas plays. Secular media commentators reference this day as Jesus’ birth during the Christmas season. Even the “Jesus is...


By Rev. Dan Bergman      There is much in our Christmas culture that makes us find it difficult to imagine any setting for the nativity other than a cold winter’s night. Take the example from the Christmas carol "In the Bleak Midwinter’" which I’ll admit, I really do...

The Four Surrenders of Jerusalem

By Mark Robinson Edmund Allenby, Field Marshall General of the British forces that captured Jerusalem in 1917, was thrust into history through the events surrounding the surrender of Jerusalem – four times. The story is told by Major Vivian Gilbert of the British...


By Rev. Mark Robinson One hundred years ago, a brief 67-word statement, within a short letter, laid the foundation for the birth of the nation of Israel. Since the sending of that letter, this statement has reverberated down through the corridors of history. There has...


By Dan Bergman 1,811 years had passed. It was the longest recorded expulsion of a people from their homeland. In 70 A.D. the Roman general Titus breached the walls of Jerusalem, and destroyed the Temple (just as Jesus prophesied). Over one million Jews were killed....


By Moshe Gold Since its inception as a modern state in 1948, Israel has desired to make peace with its Muslim neighbors. In 1960 the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Golda Meir, made a formal invitation in the UN General Assembly, inviting the Arab countries...


by Mark Robinson      When the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and promised him, “And she [Mary] shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins,” Matthew 1:21, the impact of...


by Dan Bergman      It was an amazing sight to behold. The flames licked the leaves of this flourishing bush – and, yet, it remained unharmed by the raging fire engulfing it. A voice calls to Moses out of this bush. It was the God of his people –...


By Keith Megilligan      God with us! From the time you were in Sunday School or maybe one of your first Christmas cards, this name/title of God has become very familiar to most Christians. “Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which...


By Kenneth G. Symes       It is an interesting fact that very little has been written on this name of God. And yet it is clearly stated to be one of His names. Speaking of the God of Israel the Psalmist wrote:  “The LORD is great in Zion;...


By Moshe Gold      According to The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, the Hebrew word Elohim is the most used name translated into English as God. This noun, used in the plural, is consistently associated with singular verbs, adjectives...


By Mark Robinson “For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward.” Deuteronomy 10:17      Adonai is the plural of Adon and means master, ruler or lord....


by Dr. Keith Megilligan Zechariah is simply identified to us as a "prophet" in 1:1. His time for living and ministry are given in Ezra 6:14 - "And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of...


By Rev. Dan Bergman It was 605 BC, the third year of King Jehoiakim's reign. Daniel was a boy living in Jerusalem. Some say he was a teenager, but the Hebrew simply doesn't support it. He had to have been younger. He was most likely of royal descent. He definitely...


By Rev. Mark Robinson It is certainly not hyperbole when many commentators refer to Isaiah as the prince of prophets. His writings will take you from the depths of sin, hypocrisy, and political and religious degradation to the heights of righteousness, holiness, and...


by Ken Symes To understand the Bible we must recognize that the Bible is God’s infallible Word, that there are no contradictions, and that God’s revelation to man is progressive (cf. Isaiah 28:9-10). Additionally, an understanding of Biblical dispensations is...

Dispensations and Israel – PRESENT

by Dr. Keith Megilligan Church history has brought us to an interesting place in our theological understanding of God’s working out His plan. The outworking of this plan has been reviewed by church historians and theologians since the inception of the church. One of...

Dispensationalism and Israel – PAST

by Ken Overby When Abraham heard these seminal words, “I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all...

Dispensations and Israel – FUTURE

By Mark Robinson When dispensational teaching and Israel in the future are considered, we are primarily talking about the coming kingdom age of 1,000 years (Millennial Kingdom). The still future Tribulation period, in the dispensational motif, is considered part of...


By Rev. Mark Robinson "The Messiah is dead!" "The Messiah is dead!" As the word filtered throughout the community, denial was paramount in the minds of many of the believers. "It can’t be! Just yesterday we were greeting him with, ‘Long live our master, our teacher,...


by Dan Bergman The idea of a coming Messiah is central to the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures. Within them, there are a plethora of prophecies describing all manner of specific details regarding the person of the Messiah, the Anointed One. In fact, we can find a...


By Ken Symes In the Old Testament economy there were three classes of public servants: prophets, priests and kings. All appointed to one of these offices were consecrated by being anointed with oil (prophet, 1 Kings 19:16b; priest, Exodus 28:41; king, 1 Samuel 15:1)....


by Dr. Keith Megilligan Messianism thrives on suffering. Abba Hillel Silver The Jews of history anticipated the coming of the Messiah with various historical “triggers” which set off calculations as to when the Messiah’s return would be or could be expected. In fact,...


by Rev. Mark Robinson In a marriage arranged from “on high”, Isaac, at the age of forty, would marry Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel, Abraham's brother's son. They had a great desire to have children, but for twenty years Rebekah had been barren. They sought the LORD...


by Keith Megilligan There is a certain chain-linked relationship which the early patriarchs inherited. The Old Testament reference to the three founders of Israel is almost formulaic. “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” is the standard form of reference. This...


by Dan Bergman Travel back with me over four thousand years to the desert plains of a place called Ur (modern-day southern Iraq). It is in this ancient place that our story begins. It is a journey full of trials, promises, and blessings. It is a story that tells the...


by Rev. Ken Overby Revelation 16:13-14 mentions “the dragon,” “the beast,” and “the false prophet.” “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they...


by Mark Robinson Birth or labor pains is the beginning of the end of a long process. Some nine months earlier the expectant mom becomes aware of the promise of a birth. Suddenly, and in some ways unexpectedly, the first labor pain grips the body. Time is short - but,...


by Rev. Ken Symes Revelation chapters 12-14 form one prophecy referencing events covering at least 2,000 years. These referenced events take us from the birth of Messiah to His supervision over the Divine judgments in the closing days of the outpouring of God’s wrath...


by Rev. Ken Overby A final trumpet blast concludes the annual Feast of Rosh Hashanah and begins the countdown to “Yom Ha-Din” – the Day of Judgment. Jewish tradition teaches that the ten “awesome days” that follow Rosh Hashanah are for repentance, so that one’s name...


by Rev. Dan Bergman Introduction to the Trumpets In viewing the previous judgments the Lord will pour out upon mankind in the seven year time period known as the Tribulation, it can easily be seen that as time progresses, these judgments escalate. The final seal...


by Rev. Mark Robinson In Jewish writings there are many references to a time of suffering before the advent of the Messiah. A couple of references will illustrate this concept. Raphael Patai, in his book The Messiah Texts, said about the Messianic texts, “The idea...


by Dan Bergman One would be misinformed to think that religious Jewish writings consist of only the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the Talmud. There are many other Jewish documents dating from the 4th century B.C. through the late 13th century A.D. An understanding of...


by Rev. Mark Robinson The word Tenach is probably unfamiliar to many of our readers. This is the term Jewish people use when referring to what Christians call the Old Testament. It is the entire Jewish Bible, made up of the exact same number of verses as the Old...


by Dr. Keith Megilligan “You have heard that it was said to those of old…You have heard that it was said...It was also said…” Jesus uttered these phrases near the beginning of His teaching of what has become known as His “Sermon on the Mount” found in Matthew 5-7....


Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 by Rev. Dan Bergman “Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. 14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men: 15 So shall he...


Isaiah 50:4-10 by Dr. Keith Megilligan “4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. 5 The Lord GOD hath...


Isaiah 49:1-6 by Rev. Mark Robinson “Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his...


Isaiah 42:1-7 by Rev. Ken Overby “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. 3...


by Keith Megilligan  There is a branch of theological study that has existed since almost the beginning of church history that has trailed and tainted the church’s relationship to her Jewish friends. In recent years, this study has taken on a level of sophistication...


By Mark Robinson   "Be aware that replacement theologists are gathering in Bethlehem for a 4-day conference to be unbelievably called "Jesus at the Check Post. The main aim of this event is to drive a wedge between Christian Zionists, Evangelicals, and...


Dear Pastor,      I invite you to grab a cup of coffee and join me for a few minutes at a table in a little town called Emmaus and allow Jesus to warm our weary souls. I have had the privilege of serving as a Pastor for the last 20 years and as an Assistant Pastor for...


Becky Yeh - OneNewsNow, August 24th, 2011 One Messianic Jew says replacement theology is a dangerous teaching that is growing within the Christioan Church and breeding anti-Semitism. He contends, If you were to take all of the 70-plus times in the New Testament when...


by Rev. Mark Robinson  And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall...


by Rev. Ken Overby       Mark it on your calendars now. The Feast of First Fruits is April, 19-20. But don’t get your hopes up that the local party store will be stocked up for the celebration. I doubt your neighborhood Judaica store will either. But if you have the...


By Rev. Dan Bergman       Trying to fully grasp the modern Passover can be an intimidating task to any believer who has not experienced the unique perspective of a Jewish upbringing. Although of Jewish heritage on my father’s side, like many “Samaritans”, I was raised...


Moshe Gold      Webster's Dictionary defines holy as connected to a god or a religion. Thus Jerusalem is a holy city, consecrated to God. However, the meaning of this depends on who you talk with since Jerusalem is associated with two deities and revered as holy by...


by Mark Robinson      The world was shattered with the entrance of sin. Wars, famines, diseases, holocaust, murders, rapes, broken homes, abandoned children, sickness, and death all lie at the doorway of Adam's sin. The collective heartache of all humanity throughout...


by Moshe Gold The Tabernacle of David Psalm 89 was written during a stressful time in the history of the Jewish people. Jerusalem was in ruins, and the people of Israel were without a godly king; they had lost control over their destiny and in this weak and helpless...


by Rev. Dan Bergman It was a spring day during the earthly ministry of our Messiah, Jesus. He had gone up to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. It was there that he met, and healed a man who had been incapacitated with a physical infirmity for thirty eight years! God’s...


by Rev. Mark Robinson      In the pursuit of everyday life, mankind is oblivious to the sovereignty of the divine King of kings. The world, and its problems, seems to continually turn with no answers to the dilemmas of life. Islamic terrorism, the cultural and...


by Moshe Gold I remember being asked by a pastor, who was looking for an innovative way of celebrating Easter, how I celebrated it. I told him that for me, Passover was Easter. For although I have participated in Easter Sunday celebrations, for many, like myself, who...


by Mark Robinson With anticipation the young children look toward the door of the home. It is the time of the Passover Seder when a child goes to the door of the house, opens it, and looks outside to see if Elijah will join us for this Seder. The hope for many of the...


by Dan Bergman Andrew, the son of Jonah, sat and listened intently as a wildly bold preacher proclaimed to his people a message of repentance and the coming Messiah. This expectation of the Messiah’s advent was most likely ingrained in Andrew’s mind by his parents,...


by Mark Robinson A common refrain throughout the Word of God is the term Son of man. In the Old Testament the term is used almost exclusively of the prophet Ezekiel. In the New Testament the term is used exclusively of Jesus with one possible exception. Son of man is...


     by Moshe Gold I cannot recount for you the many times when discussing the messianic credentials of Jesus with Jewish people that, after layer upon layer of traditional thinking is trimmed away under the laser-like truth of Scripture, we get to the core of their...


by Moshe Gold For some Bible believers the establishment of modern Israel is attributed solely to human political endeavor unrelated to God’s promise of land for His chosen people. They link the inheritance of the Promised Land with the final ingathering and...


by Jeffrey Berg The great hope of the Jewish people lies in the Davidic Covenant. This great promise God gave to David is based on 2 Samuel 7:8-17 and is confirmed in Psalm 89. The promise of this covenant amplifies the hope for a Messianic kingdom, emanating from the...


by Mark Robinson      The student of Scripture is confronted with a maze of ideas when trying to understand the Bible. It can be a daunting task to decipher which religious understanding is the correct understanding of Scripture. Fortunately, God has given to the...


by Mark Robinson Tyrants have graced the world’s stage oftentimes throughout history. Some have been world rulers whose ruthlessness knew no bounds. Nebuchadnezzar was the king of the Babylonian empire and ruled for 43 years. He was known as “the wicked one.” He made...

Israel: The Apple of God’s Eye

by Stan Rosenthal The phrase “apple of the eye” refers to the pupil of the eye. It is round, black and located in the center of the eye. The pupil is the opening into the eye that permits light to pass through, which in turn enables us to see. It is one of the most...

Is Israel God’s Elect Nation?

by Mark Robinson As the sands of time unfalteringly continue their flow, so is the history of the Jewish people. Week after week, year after year, century after century the people of Israel march on. No Pharaohs or Fuhrers, Crusaders or Muslims, persecutions or...


by Moshe Gold Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind (Romans 14:5). Christmas in Israel is a very diverse event where there is no official day or way to celebrate. Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, follows the religious cycle of holy days enumerated...


by Mark Robinson       Excitement was in the air as the crowd started to grow. It was a Friday night. The guest speaker was a man with outstanding credentials and exemplary speaking skills. My wife and I were blessed to be a part of this evening coming together. The...

Psalm 118

By Jeffrey Berg       Psalm 118 is a magnificent illustration of God bringing life from the dead. A “Hallel Psalm,” this psalm of praise is of utmost importance. In Judaism it is read from the Haggadah in the Passover celebration and magnifies the topic of redemption...

Psalm 110

by Rev. Mark Robinson       Of all the Messianic Psalms perhaps none surpasses the glory and magnificence of Psalm 110. This brief psalm of seven verses takes us from the heights of the divine and human nature of the Messianic king, to his ministry as a priest after...

Psalm 16: A Basis for Unshakeable Hope

by Stan Rosenthal       Hope is an extremely potent word or concept. Without it, despair tends to make its way to the forefront of one’s life. With it, there is a reason to go forth with optimism. In other words, hope, or lack thereof, plays an integral role in how we...

A 1,000 Year Kingdom? Or Not?

by Rev. Mark Robinson       As I sat in the office of the Minister of Evangelism of one of the largest and best known churches in the United States the discussion turned to the Millennium. When asked what he believed he responded, “I am a pro-pan-mill.” Initially, I...

Israel: The Sign of the Times

by Mark Robinson      The billboard was the most controversial the city center had seen in years, and maybe ever. People had a myriad of opinions on its purpose and message. The message was brief – “It IS Coming!” Some thought it was a hoax. Sure, they recognized the...

Israel: God’s Answer to Skeptics?

by Mark Robinson      The nation of Israel and her people the Jews are an enigma to this world. The preservation of the people of Israel is a contradiction of all historical trends. The uniqueness of this people is captured in an essay Mark Twain authored in 1899:...

Evidences for the Resurrection

The idea of the Messiah’s resurrection did not begin with the birth of New Testament Christianity; in fact, the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:2-3, “…how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” (Emphasis added)

Messiah as the Branch

In considering the person of the Messiah, His work and character are illustrated for us in the names given to Him throughout the Scriptures. The different names of the Messiah paint a beautiful portrait of the promised One of Israel.

Messiah as the Stone

By Jeffrey Berg       I have been very blessed over the years to have the privilege of taking people to Israel on Biblical study tours. When we tour the Western Wall Tunnel of the Temple Mount, we view some very magnificent stones dating back to the time of Herod the...

From Synagogue to Savior

Moshe Gold Testimony  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Isaiah 55:11  And when He is come, He will convince the...

What Grace Is This!!!

TESTIMONY OF MARK ROBINSON               The pulsating sound of the sirens couldn't pierce the blackness of my mind. Where had I gone so wrong in my life that I had come to this point? At 22 years of age I should have had the world and its limitless opportunities...


By Mark Robinson       Psalm 45 is a glorious psalm extolling the virtues of the king and his glorious triumph over his enemies. It is majestic in its grace, solemn in its pronouncements, and exhilarating in its promises as it reaches the peak of hope for the war...


No greater love… by Moshe Gold       Until a Christian discovers the horrible suffering endured by Jesus on the cross, they have only an intellectual appreciation of the cost of their salvation. Likewise, until those seeking the truth comprehend the anguish of His...


by Moshe Gold and Mark Robinson       There are those who believe that the Messianic Movement is the natural alternative to Christianity for saved Jewish people; one whose members effectively reach other Jewish people with the Gospel. Most who hold this view also...


by Rev. Ken Symes The challenge to the Church today is the implementation of the great commission. The most often quoted passage used to define the Great Commission is Matthew 28:19-20. Dr. H. A. Ironside correctly states that: "The great Commission to evangelize the...


by Mark Robinson and Moshe Gold "'Baptism or death,' had too often been the cry of the church, just as the 'Koran or the sword' had been of Islam."1       Rev. W. T. Gidney, secretary for the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, summarized...


by Rev. Mark Robinson  "Death to the Jews!!!"  "Kill the traitor!!!"       The vitriolic cries of the mob were a haunting sound in the ears of the journalist. They would have a profound effect on him and the Jewish people which reverberates to this very day.1      In...


 by Rev. Mark Robinson       I noticed the individual approaching from a distance. There was a confidence in his steps, along with a desire for interaction. He had seen our sign asking, "Can you be Jewish and Christian?"  Probably no older than 25, Steven brashly...


  by Rev. Mark Robinson       The Temple of God had been completed. More than 150,000 men had labored for seven years in the building of what became known as Solomon's Temple. The finest wood, the purest gold and silver, and the best materials had gone into the...

YOM KIPPUR – Judgment and Mercy have kissed

 by Moshe Gold       Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most sacred day ordained by God for the Jewish people - a day of fasting, affliction of the soul, sacrifice and prayer (Leviticus 23:27-31).      In the days of the Tabernacle and the Temples the central...


  By Jeffrey Berg       One of the first signs of autumn in the Jewish community is the sound of the shofar, or ram's horn, bellowing through the leaves. When one hears the blast of "Tekiah" and the staccato sound of "Shevarim" from the Shofar, the...

The Church and Anti-Semitism

 by Mark Robinson       The arrival of the first day of Passover in the year 1096 was eagerly anticipated. The Jews of Trier had celebrated the night before in their homes with a Seder. Trier was a city on the Moselle River in Germany. What had been a joyous event in...

Is the Church the New Israel?

Moshe Gold       When we have guests visiting Israel, we take them to a store in Jerusalem owned by two Orthodox Jewish men who have become authoritative spokesmen in Jewish apologetics and welcome conversation regarding the Jewish perception of Christianity. Most of...


By Ken Symes           The Old Testament era closed with the writing of the prophet Malachi in about 430 B.C. From Malachi to the advent of Jesus in 4 B.C., there were about four hundred "silent" years where there is little record of God's activities among...

Chanukah and Redemption Light

by Mark Robinson       The glow of the light from the Temple Menorah, piercing through the windows of the Temple, illuminated the court-yard of the Temple area. The crowds mingling in the courtyard this winter day were reminded by the menorah light of the ever present...

Chanukah’s Relation to Christmas

   Jeffrey Berg  "Twas the night before Chanukah, Boichecks and Maidels, Not a sound could be heard, not even the Draidels. The Menorah was set by the chimney alight, In the kitchen, the Bubbie was choppin' a bite. Salami, pastrami, a glassele tay, and zoyerey pickles...


By Ken Symes              December is a time when both Christians and Jews celebrate an important holiday.  For the Christians it is Christmas.  For the Jews it is Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights or Dedication.  The only mention of this Jewish holiday...

Will The Temple Be Rebuilt?

Rev. Mark Robinson       The spring day was typical in many ways for Jerusalem. The sun was shining and the air was crisp, but there was one notable difference. Hundreds were anxiously awaiting the sacrifice. It was April, and the celebration of Passover was at hand....

How Then Shall We Live?

By Dr. Keith Megilligan      New love is exquisite. There is joy for the first time that enters the heart of the one who is in love. When you view the radiant faces of the young couple who stand enraptured in each others' presence at their wedding, you appreciate...

Is the Rapture Pre-Trib?

by Mark Robinson "Pre-trib", "mid-trib", "post-trib", "pre-wrath". Perhaps you have heard these terms—perhaps not. They refer to the timing of the Rapture of the Church. "Trib" refers to the seven year Tribulation period prophesied in the Bible that will occur just...

Jewish Objections to Jesus in Isaiah 53

K.G. Symes "Do you mean to tell me that Jewish people reject the teaching that the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 is the Messiah?" To the young man's question I replied: "Yes, because the Christians used this passage to witness to Jewish folk with great success.  So...

And also to the Greek…

by John Metzger One of the questions that used to come to mind before I was in Jewish ministries was why God only seemed to be interested in the Jewish people while the rest of the ancient world knew nothing of God, and died being eternally separated from God in hell....

To the Jew First

by Mark Robinson           There should be no question as to the priority of the Church in the absence of her Head. Jesus made this very clear in His final thoughts, yea command, to those who belong to Him. His last words were, ". . .ye shall be witnesses unto me both...

Jerusalem: The Scattering and Regathering

By Jeffery Berg In Matthew 23:37-39, the Lord Jesus made a very grim prediction of the future events of the Holy City, Jerusalem. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy...

The Power of God unto salvation to every who believes..

by Jeffrey Berg The power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes..." is the heart of Romans 1:16. There can be no salvation without the power of God. The word "power," in Romans 1:16, comes from the Greek word, "dunamis." We derive "dynamite" from this word....


by Mark Robinson         The highlight of the entire Passover Seder is the drama surrounding the afikomen. At the beginning of the evening the leader of the Seder will lift up the tri-compartment matzoh bag, and remove the middle board of matzoh. This middle piece is...

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ…

Pastor Marty Baker, Th.M. Shame. It is exactly what Paul tells the Roman Christians he doesn't feel when he thinks about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is how he states it: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel …" (Romans 1:16a). Ostensibly, this means Paul didn't...

The Cup of Acceptance

by Mark Robinson      The long evening of the Seder was winding down. A few hours earlier family and friends had gathered for the beginning of the annual tradition of the Passover Seder; it seemed as if the reading of the Passover Haggadah would never get to the place...

The Cup of Redemption

 by Roland Mills      In the Bible, we have recorded for us what is called the "…feast of the LORD" (Leviticus 23:4).  Seven feasts are recorded in Leviticus 23.  Together, they tell us the marvelous story of God's dealings with His chosen people and the nations as a...

Messiah Jesus: the Passover Lamb

 by Moshe Gold       On the Seder plate1 containing the main ritual items of the Passover is a place marked by the Hebrew word Zerôah. It is here that a roasted shank bone of a lamb is placed to symbolize the Pascal lamb once offered in the Temple. This is a purely...

Virgin Birth? Really?

By: Kenneth G. Symes      Today, one of the most controversial subjects in Scripture is the issue of the virgin birth. The Jewish Rabbis, along with many Christian leaders, do not believe that Isaiah 7:10-16 teaches that the Messiah was to be virgin born. Does this...

Bethlehem: Birthplace of the King

Rev. Mark Robinson      The night sky is calm and serene. In a way it mirrors, at least outwardly, the condition of the nation. Everywhere the comfort of wealth is evident. Little seems to be lacking in this nation that has been so blessed of God. The inhabitants have...

More than a Child

By Jeffrey Berg "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."       When one reads Isaiah 9:6, a...

The Suffering Servant of Isaiah – A Rabbinic Anthology

Moshe Gold      No other Bible portion has created as much controversy between Christian and Jewish people as the Suffering Servant in the Book of Isaiah (52:13 – 53:12).      According to traditional Jewish teaching, the Suffering Servant is the nation of Israel. The...

Israel in the Tribulation

 By Jeffrey Berg       When America was living through the horror of the "9-11 Terror Attacks," the Jewish High Holy Days were being observed. My wife, Arlene, and I had a wonderful opportunity to visit a Lubavitch (Ultra Orthodox) rabbi. The visit took place during...

Israel in the Millennium

by Moshe Gold       During the Battle of Armageddon Messiah Jesus will return to earth destroying all armies arrayed against the Holy City of Jerusalem. Following their defeat, they will be judged and put to death. The False Messiah and the False Prophet will be...

Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak?

Mark Robinson      Isaiah 53 is perhaps the pivotal chapter in the Jewish Bible in helping determine the identity of the Messiah and the work he would do. With the possible exception of the seventy weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27, the grandeur of this chapter...

Jerusalem and the Reign of the True King

by Mark Robinson     The future of the city of Jerusalem is of vital concern to the three main monotheistic religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each has a compelling interest in this city. The present-day Middle East conflict between Israel and...

online bookstore

Now most of the items you can purchase at our physical bookstore in our headquarters, are now available in our Online Bookstore! We sell a variety of items from books, to Judaica from Israel, as well as Jewelry and Videos!

school of biblical and jewish studies

This is our online video school. One of the courses that we offer at the Jewish Awareness Ministries School of Biblical and Jewish Studies is Jewish Evangelism.

Within the course, there are classes such as “The Deity of the Messiah”, “The Tri-unity of God”, “Jewish Misconceptions and Objections”, and many more!

gospel tracts

We offer a variety of different gospel pamphlets (tracts) that are geared toward an unsaved Jewish person. These have more pages than the average gospel tract, and cover subjects such as“One God or Three?” and “Identifying the Messiah.” was created to present the gospel online to an unsaved Jewish audience. 

It has online versions of most of our gospel pamphlets, as well as evangelistic videos that we have produced.

spreading awareness since 1944

Sharing Messiah with Jewish People, and Educating the Church

From 1944 to the present, Jewish Awareness Ministries has always been committed to reaching Jewish people with the saving message of Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, and teaching the Church about the Jewish roots of our faith.


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  • World-Wide Evangelism through Internet & Radio
  • Gospel Pamphlets for a Jewish Audience


  • Jewish Feasts
  • Jewish Evangelism
  • Bible Prophecy
  • Israel in the Plan of God

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We believe that an appointment for ministry service should be based upon a commitment to lifetime service for the Lord.

We trust that this is the kind of ministry of which you would like to be a part. Opportunities for ministry with us are virtually unlimited.

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