Jewish Evangelism
and Biblical Training at your Fingertips
We have courses and classes to educate and equip you!
Jewish Evangelism ( JE )

JE 101: The Tri-unity of God in the Tenach - Rev. Mark Robinson
This class will introduce you to some of the passages in the O.T. that develop the “plurality in unity of God,” the “Tri-unity of God,” “the deity of Messiah” and “theophanies – the visible appearance of God in human form.” The information will help in your understanding of the person of God and how to share the “Tri-unity of God” with Jewish people and others who don’t believe in a “Triune” God.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.75 hrs.

JE 102: The Deity of the Messiah in the Tenach - Rev. Dan Bergman
In this class, the student will learn that the Messiah had to be God, based on Old Testament prophecy. We will study these prophecies, as well as what Jesus taught about Himself. We will also discuss how the majority of Jewish people misinterpret these passages.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hours

JE 103: Jewish Misconceptions and Objections - Rev. Dan Bergman
Students will learn of the many misconceptions and objections that Jewish people have regarding Jesus. The student will also learn how to correct and answer these misconceptions and objections based on the Bible.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 2 hrs.

JE104: The Plan of Salvation in the Tenach - Rev. Mark Robinson
In order to effectively share Messiah Jesus with Jewish people one needs to be able to use the Tenach (Old Testament) in communicating the gospel. This class will look at the 3 areas scripture tells us the Holy Spirit convicts unsaved people. Scripture passages that can be used from the Tenach in these 3 areas will be part of this class with a final lesson on showing a Jewish person from the Tenach their need to accept Messiah (Jesus) as their Savior and Messiah.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hrs.

JE 105: Isaiah 53 - Rev. Mark Robinson
Isaiah 53 is the preeminent passage in Jewish evangelism. It is clear and detailed about the Messiah. This class will help equip you in understanding this chapter in order to use it with your Jewish friends. The historical Jewish understanding of this chapter; the modern understanding of this chapter by many Jewish people; a verse-by-verse exposition; a response to some of the objections anti-missionaries offer as to why this passage doesn’t speak of Messiah; and a look at the context of the servant of this chapter in order to solidify that this chapter, indeed, is a prophecy of the Messiah.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.75 hrs.

JE 106: The Servant of Isaiah - Rev. Mark Robinson
The Servant passages of Isaiah should be required study for every believer. The Tri-unity of God, Deity of Messiah, the gospel for Jew and Gentile, and the incomparable 53rd chapter of Isaiah are all part of the material found in the 4 Servant chapters of Isaiah – plus much more. These lessons will introduce you to one of the richest portions of God’s Word.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.75 hrs.

JE 109: Objections and Answers - Rev. Mark Robinson
Jewish people have many objections to Jesus being the Messiah. Oftentimes they are theological objections, but occasionally they are sociological. Their theological objections are a result of ignorance of the Biblical teaching on Messiah. This class will look at a number of common objections and how to answer those objections, whether theologically based or sociologically based.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 3 hrs.

JE 110: Isaiah 53 in Witnessing - Rev. Ken Symes
Students will learn how Isaiah 53 pictures the Messiah, and not Israel. They will also learn the history of different rabbinical positions on this text, and how to refute objections.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. .5 hrs.

JE 111: Sharing the Gospel from the Old Testament - Rev. Ken Symes
In this class, the student will learn a systematic presentation of the gospel through the pages of the Old Testamet.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. .5 hrs.
Jewish Culture in the New Testament ( JC )

JC 101: The Feasts of Leviticus 23 - Rev. Mark Robinson
The Feasts of Leviticus 23 give us a picture God’s plan for Israel and the Messiah. From Passover to Tabernacles, the seven feasts in this chapter provide insight into God’s prophetic work. One of the unique aspects of this study is the emphasis on the feasts in Leviticus 23 picturing God’s work with Israel and not the church – which is the context of Leviticus 23.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 2 hrs.

JC 102: The Jewish Roots of Christian Baptism - Rev. Dan Bergman
Did you know that baptism didn't originate with John the Baptist? When the Pharisees and Levites were sent to John from Jerusalem to enquire who he was, they didn't ask him "What is this new thing you are doing?"
In this class, you will discover how Jewish in origin baptism really is. We will look into the Tenach (Old Testament), as well as the New Testament.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1 hr.

JC 103: The Feasts of Israel in the Gospel of John - Rev. Ken Overby
Learn to see amazing truths in the Gospel of John as we examine a subject that is a large part of the context of John - the feasts of Israel. Learn about the various feast of Israel as described in the Old Testament, and gain insight into how these feasts point to Jesus as the Messiah!
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 3 hrs.

JC 105: The Messianic and Eschatological Significance of the Afikomen and the 3rd and 4th Cups - Rev. Mark Robinson
The bread and the juice, so well-known to Christians who regularly participate in the Lord’s Table (Communion), have a messianic and eschatological insight that is missed by most believers. Jesus’ teaching at His last Passover Seder communicated some amazing truths about the bread and the cups of wine (juice). Christians miss these insights because they don’t know the Jewish cultural background to the Lord’s Table. This class will help you to understand the significance of what Jesus was teaching about the bread and the juice by understanding the Jewish cultural background.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 2 hrs.

JC 106: Chanukah and Christmas - Rev. Mark Robisnon
Why is the birth of Jesus celebrated on Dec. 25th? Is it based on paganism? Many Christians believe this to be the case. There is a factor that is rarely, if ever, considered on why the date of December 25th was chosen. It is the Jewish festival of Chanukah. What light does the history and the celebration of Chanukah shine on the December 25th date? This class looks at the holidays of Christmas and Chanukah and how and why the celebration of Chanukah by the Jewish believers in Jesus in the late first and early second century might be the reason why most of the world looks at December 25th as the birthdate of Jesus.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hrs.

JC 107: Hebraisms and Jewish Concepts in the New Testament - Rev. Dan Bergman
In this class, the Jewishness of the New Testament will be examined. Students will learn how that even though the New Testament was written in Greek, it contains numerous Hebraisms (Hebrew verbal or grammatical features) and Jewish concepts. Words used, sentence structure used, and concepts taught will be examined, as well as the background of the languages used in Israel in the first century.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1 hr.
Issues in the Christian World ( CW )

CW 101: How Were People Saved in the Tenach? - Rev. Mark Robinson
How were people saved before Jesus came and died and rose again? Some teach it was by looking forward to the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah and believing this. Is this what the scripture teaches? This class looks at this subject focusing on 4 biblical truths that will answer the question “How were people saved before Jesus came?”
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hours

CW 102: Sabbath or Lord's Day? What Christians Should Understand - Rev. Mark Robinson
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.25 hours

CW 103: The Day of the Lord - Rev. Dan Bergman
In this class, students will learn about the various uses and characteristics of "the Day of the Lord" as revealed in Scripture. The student will also study the book of Zephaniah in its entirety, as its theme is "the Day of the Lord."
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hours

CW 104: Thy Kingdom Come - Understanding the Millennium - Rev. Ken Overby
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 2.25 hours

CW 105: A Study of the Anti-Christ - Rev. Dan Bergman
Have you ever wanted to learn what the Bible actually teaches about the Antichrist? Join us as Dan Bergman discusses the timeline, names, character, and actions of the Antichrist, based upon Bible prophecy!
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.25 hours

CW 106: Timing of the Ezekiel 38-39 Invasion - Rev. Mark Robinson
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.25 hours

CW 107: Understanding the Old and New Testaments - Rev. Mark Robinson
Most Christians would probably say this is a needless question – “we all know they speak of the section of “Genesis to Malachi” and “Matthew to Revelation” – as they speak of the two books of that make up the Bible. Is this understanding correct, biblically based, or is it accepted because it is almost universally understood and used in the Christian world this way? An examination of the Scriptures will give you a completely different understanding of the biblical use of these terms.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1 hour

CW 109: Developing a Biblical Philosophy of History - Rev. Mark Robinson
Everyone has a worldview – how they understand history and the world around us – but most people have no idea why they believe something and how to consistently implement their world view. This is true of many Bible-believing Christians as well. If you are a believer in the Bible as the word of God, it is imperative that you develop a “Biblical Philosophy of History.” This class will get you started on this endeavor.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hours

CW 108: A New Testament Evangelism Model - Rev. Ken Overby
Learn how Jesus and the Apostles presented the gospel to Jews and Gentiles.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. 1.5 hours

CW 110: Can 2 Chronicles 7:14 Save America? - Rev. Mark Robinson
The oftentimes appeal to 2 Chronicles 7:14 for America’s healing by many in our nation, including Christian leaders, must be analyzed in its scriptural context. Does 2 Chronicles 7:14 provide a prescription for the healing of America, or, for that matter, any nation’s healing? Is the use of this verse based on emotional sentiment, at best, but false and misleading exegesis? Or, is it a biblically justified approach for the healing of the U.S.A.? This class will take a close look this verse and its promise, in its biblical context.
TOTAL DURATION: Approx. .75 hours
Israel in the Bible and History ( IS )

IS 101: Why Focus on Israel? - Rev. Mark Robinson
From Genesis 12 to the end of Revelation some 80% -85% of the material is about Israel and the Jewish people. This class will focus on why it is a MUST to understand God’s plan for Israel and the Jewish people if one is to correctly understand the word of God. Lessons such as “Salvation is of the Jews,” “Scripture is of the Jews,” “Israel: The Key to Biblical Understanding,” “The Church as a parenthesis in God’s Plan,” and “Israel as God’s blessing for the world” are some of the lessons.

IS 102: Israel: The Focal Point of History - Rev. Mark Robinson
God’s plan for the world can be viewed from a “broad” view and a “narrow” view. Both of these plans will be examined with more of an emphasis on God’s narrow plan, which is developed around Israel and the covenants God gave to Israel.

IS 103: God's Answer to Skeptics - Rev. Mark Robinson
Apologetics is “giving a defense.” For Christians, apologetics is defending what we believe. The primary “apologetic” that God gives showing He is the one true God is the nation of Israel and her people, the Jews, in prophecy. This class looks at how the God of Israel challenges Jew and Gentile to consider the history of Israel – past, present, and future – as His “apologetic” on why He is the one and only God. It should be of interest that the God of Israel challenges all other gods to meet the same criteria He has met in order to establish that they are the one true god. After establishing that He is the one and only God, the God of Israel than tells Jew and Gentile to embrace His servant – the Messiah!

IS 104: Understanding the Israel and Palestinian Issue - Rev. Mark Robinson
The Israel and Palestinian “peace” process has been ongoing since 1993. The reporting of the media on the conflict is most often “fake” news. Half-truths, fabrications, and lies divorced from historical realities has duped the world into a false view of what is happening. This class will provide historical context, background information, and expose the lies of the Palestinian Authority and their media cohorts. It sets the record straight. The last lesson will examine how the Israel and Palestinian issue have prophetic implications.
LESSONS: 9 DURATION: 2.75 hrs.

IS 105: Israel: God's Key to World Evangelism - Rev. Mark Robinson
Why should Jewish evangelism be part of a churches mission’s program? Why should a Christian be interested in Jewish evangelism? Missiology courses in Bible colleges, discussions about who to support in mission committee discussions in churches, oftentimes look at numbers as the main criteria for missions outreach. For example, why should we be involved in supporting Jewish missions/missionaries when there are 14 million Jewish people in the world and 7 billion Gentiles. This may sound logical, but is it biblical? This class will look at God’s priority in mission/evangelism and why Jewish missions should be a priority. This class will challenge your view on missions outreach.

IS 106: Israel: From Genesis to Malachi - Rev. Mark Robinson
An overview of God’s plan for Israel is indispensable for an understanding of the Bible. The class will take you from the promise of Genesis 3:15, to Abraham, an overview of the history of Israel from Abraham to Malachi, and concluding with the reasons God chose Israel.
Four Courses (areas of Study)
Each class has video lessons, and notes.
The number of lessons within each class varies. All classes have at least 4 video lessons. Most have 6-12. All classes are free on YouTube!